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China Doll | 13:11 Mon 22nd Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
This isn't a question but I think I'm allowed to do this in CB!

For anyone who has recently sent me a PM in SAB I would like to say thank you very much, I'm not ignoring you, I don't use it during work hours and my internet at home has gone a bit Pete Tong.

I'm definately not ignoring anyone and I'll respond as soon as I get a chance!



China xx


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ooh, you've been off snogging that Gromit behind his Telegraph, that's what you've been doing <stamps foot in jealous rage>
There are PMs? For AB? That's awesome-I had no idea! And therefore am not offended CD! :) x
only in Sports, leelapops
hardly anybody's been using it tho it was a good idea
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Good to know leela!

jno - Well I can snog you behind your bread maker if you like? ;0P

I just kept getting pings in my inbox saying someone had sent me a message and I felt bad for not answering.
I forgot to say who exactly I was jealous of
Question Author
Heh heh... Am I not your type jno? Nuts!

Well you can snog Gromit if you like, I'm sure he won't mind.... Although he may have been eating brie and pickled onions of late so you might want to take some double mints with you!

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