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The Birds and the B's

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vegas9302 | 09:24 Wed 24th Oct 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
Any help with the following would be greatly appreciated.
27. Playing Subbuteo (twice) could be a pastime (5)- Bird
30. Dealer in combs-but Spooner would have him be an acoustic key locator? (9)-starts with a B
37. Worthless as part of ear-part of foot (9)-Bird
38. Capital city of a rigged result (7)-starts with a B
80. Greenfly, for example, follows its food source (8)-starts with a B
97. Lodge perhaps with screen legend Anna (6,5)- Bird

Many Thanks.


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27 Like stamp collecting
30 For honey
37 Whay's left after the harvest + small measure
38. result (anag) ... Capital?

80. Sprout + nuisance = Capital City

97. Lodge + (Anna) Neagle (anagram)

37 Sorry, that should be 'what's'
38 Anagram of result
80 Capital city in E europe
97 Anag of lodge + Anna's surname
Sorry 80 should read Sprout (synonym) + a + Nuisance (synonym)
30) BEE KEEPER ( Spoonerism.....Key Beeper)

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