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Irishman walks into a library

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meredith101 | 16:41 Fri 26th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Goes up to the librarian, shouts 'FUSH AN CHAPS PLIS!'

The librarian scowls at him. 'Sir, this is a library'.

'Oh, sorry' (whispers) 'Fush an chips please!'


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Libraries don't do fish and chips, daft.
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LOL, i love your dry wit
was it a book ?
Don't be dim leg end, it's a joke, and a jolly good one too.
was it?

oops sorry was cos its told in english about an irishman.

obviously as im scottish the humour was lost in translation !!

cheer up whiffey ya old trout : - )
Scottish eh ? I am sorry :(
whiffey you know fine im scottish.
why do we go thru this every 3 or 4 weeks?

are you premenstrual ?
Don't mention the war. I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it.
What you donating then whiff

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Irishman walks into a library

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