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Good morning

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Doc_Spock | 12:33 Sun 28th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
How are ya Dc.


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Fine thanks.
Hi Doc , hope you are well :-) x
Are you talking to yourself or are there two doc spocks on here now.?
Good morning Doc and bigmamma,hope you are both well today.x
Hi daffy hun , I am well thankyou , hope you are . I was a bit confused at 2 Docs but I confuse easy at the best of times
Good Morning, very well thanks! Bloody miserable day though! x
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I am like Fawlty Towers, two Doctors.

Must have woke up beside myself.
Hi mamma. The Doc needed a clone whilst in the dungeon.
Ah , that explains it Doc , I needed a spare one of myself when I was in there too :-) x

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Good morning

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