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PatriciaH | 20:07 Sun 28th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
For one of the members on here , he knows who he is ,i am chuffed to bits for you : )


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Many Thanks Pat H for your help the past year was a nightmare never thought it would end..
But it did some 5 months ago now which helped me at the time so many thanks for that xx
I now have a better job with better prospects and more money.
I have also met the girl of my dreams in the mean time as well..
So to anybody reading the post who is down in the dumps I've been there never thought it would end..
It now has and I'm on top of the world..
so to my last company "UP Yours"
Thanks again Pat H
Love Mr K x
I don't know what's gone on here but it is really nice to ready such a friendly post :)
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It all involved a tribunal but glad to say it didnt get that far, If Mr K wants, he can tell all the story on here il leave it up to him....
Hi PatriciaH
No no, I dont need to know - it's his business, I just like reading nice things! I am soppy!
Happy Sunday
I wish i could spill the beans but I'm tired to a confidentially agreement so i cant ....
I did involve an employment tribunal
All i can say never trust your employer even if your in a high position like i was. As when they need a scape goat after a serious incident you will be the one to save there arse from the sack....
Mr k?

Are you mr knowall, from months ago?
I remember the awful time you had and how it dragged you down. So glad that you have survived and prospered, but most of all happy for you that you have found someone special... I seem to remember you faced your problems alone (well with us other ABers).

You have really cheered me up, thank you.
Hi Miss Random
I am mrknowall i cant seem to log on as that any longer..
Many Thanks for your kind words Miss R xx

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Glad to of helped

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