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any way of sharing a telephone number over AB?

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evedawn | 22:03 Mon 29th Oct 2007 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Is there any way i can share my tel number over answer bank...without it being shown to all an sundry. THere is one particular person I would like to pass this to...cos they want to buy something I can sell...(NO it is nothing sordid, illegal, kinky's a pretty humdrum item that i found an answerbank person asking about...)


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Heavy breathers did you say Cazzz ? I'm asthmatic if that counts :-) x
hi mamma, you makin obscene calls again? tut tut
Evening weeal ma wee hen :-) xxx
did you call Whiffey and make his day bigmamma?
Hee , no , wasn't me you give it a go ?
would I dare? lol

might've been a wee old lady's number, gettin fed up with 20-odd calls already lol
Well I never... I just called that Leg-End and he invited me over for rumpy humpy pumpy as well as *cocktails on the terrace*.... now... should I go or should I stay ?
lol jugglering - you go girl

If you do decide to go juggerling make sure you take a walking stick for him :-)
But I thought he used a zimmerframe bigmamma?
That's right ! I forgot about that Psychick

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any way of sharing a telephone number over AB?

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