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treseme advert

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DJonesy | 09:06 Mon 29th Oct 2007 | Adverts
6 Answers
I`m the only one that thinks this is the worst advert on telly. You can clearly see the freak hiding behind the wall before he crashes through it and when they are fighting O.M.G?


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Is that a bloke? Sweet Jaysus, I just thought it was an ugly bird.
sorry but the worst advert is definitely halifax building society. all that awful singing and his glasses drive my mad
the tresemme advert is the WORST advert ever IMO!!!

i hate that man/woman with a passion and whenever i see tresemme anywhere i automatically think of transsexual z list people trying to act!!!

it should be banned!
Also the woman speaking is annoying too, she just stnads there like a plank
It's damn annoying i'll give you that!
Don't know if it's the worst, but its pretty high up there.

I know the best one though, The woolworths one with Darth Vader! Harharhar. :)

Luna x
It is now the picture advert has been taken off air
i noticed the man too
Have you noticed how he shakes his head so dramtically when he walks away

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treseme advert

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