For the past few weeks I have felt like there is something stuck in the back of my throat,its starting to cause me trouble when swallowing now and is keeping me awake at night as I feel like i'm choking when I lie down.My voice has gotten a bit hoarse lately too according to my fiance but I can't say I have noticed that symptom really. Does anyone have any idea what the problem could be? I am going to phone my GP tomorrow and try and book an appointment,from past experience that will be at least a week to 10 days away.
You may also have a swollen uvula which can manifest a feeling of having something stuck in your throat as your uvula hits the back of your tongue. It �may� also be a peritonsillar abscess. Both can be temporarily calmed by gargling warm salt-water. However, in the case of abscesses, a series of antibiotics would generally be in order.
As this has been present for a bit, I feel it�s best that you consult your GP.
Thanks everyone.I don't think it could be anything caused by stress as I am not under any stress at all,i'm a fairly laid back person.But anything is possible. I haven't got a sore throat it just feels like there is a something stuck there,I can't see any swelling or redness in my throat either.Its causing me to keep swallowing or coughing to try and clear it.I wasn't too worried about it until I started having trouble getting food down past whatever it is.I'm ringing the doctor later so hopefully will get an appointment soon.
Just got back from the doctors.He has referred me to hospital as he can see the edges of some sort of growth in my throat.It still isn't hurting me but is really causing problems with swallowing now.The hospital are going to put some sort of camera down there and try and have a look apparently.That should be enormous fun!!! I hope I don't throw up on the doctor when he touches the back of my throat.