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Where's legend?

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4GS | 11:15 Thu 01st Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
He's normally on here 24/7 but not today,
Anyone got any ideas?


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Perhaps he's talking to his maid.
dont tell me you actually miss him
i do, he makes me laugh
rev obviously not as well educated as you presume.
maids sacked
ask 4get she read it other day.

4get of course he does.

4gs ive just beemn reading the rubbish posted by folk from fake chatterbank.
the likes of nazty naz and his stepford wives.

oh and the great chattabonk.
who still wont let on who they are .

never read such tripe.

even funnier that folk bothered answering.

sad really
well he makes us all laugh I;m sure just not in wuite the same way lol
I have captured him as my sexual slave lol x
I have great chats with legend on msn and he has never asked me to do anything untoward.
He seems to be a true gent!

(dammit lol)
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Hi leggy
I thought you were keeping a low profile, (as if) lol
4gs im always the same .
never change
soon as folk realise that the better their tim ewill be spent on their own sites or doing their own things.
im not gonna change or go.

im here .
if thats a problem its their problem .
deal with it n move on .

: - )
banjobabe why aint you called me?

im sitting in anticipation lol
legend is chatterbonk someone we might know, as I never saw their username in green so makes me think they've been chatterbonk for a while. and you arent always the same legend I;m sure you were legend763 the other day or some other number. lol
and is chatterbonk talking about you then. You mean you wrote those e-mails??
chatterbonk been around for a few months.
at night mainly.
like marvelman.
they spout wardyesque paedo kiddy fiddler abuse.

im 760 but aint been banned since saturday when a certain lady user went on holiday to ocean park lol : - )
i think chattabonk is trying to say i sent those messages.
but as i dont have anyone on msn with a username starting with a T i guess theyre trying to get others to assume its me.

i wonder how many will be daft enough.

i see pat h rumbled it rightaway lol
I didnt assume anyone. L could be loads of people.
im tryin to think of L ?

cant think of any .

i know ill post .
leelapops, lynborn, lambert.... or they might have made up the L and T. why would you think it was you?
well someone said the word gimp made it obvious.

or was the incinuation over your head ?
Question Author
Not guilty 4get, I wasn't on after 6 last night
chattabonk was talking to a T lastnight

about lambert ?

or me?

or luwig van-madeup lotta sh1t?


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