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A fault has been found in the Double decker Airbus

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Gromit | 09:36 Thu 01st Nov 2007 | News
6 Answers
The problem has arisen because the first class area of its giant superjumbo contains 12 private suites complete with double beds.

Singapore Airlines has taken the unusual step of publicly asking passengers on its new Airbus A380 plane not to engage in any sexual activities.

The suites were not sound-proofed, they explain, we do not want anyone to offend other travellers or crew.. m

Do you think they should be grounded?


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The planes or the first class passengers? :c)
If you can afford two first class tickets long haul, then you probably don't need cheap thrills. It is more viable that the economy toilet though
I cannot see a singapore businessmans blow up doll making much noise?
-- answer removed --
Oh gosh imagine the bouncing of the plane, I would be terrified if I was in economy and the first classers were all at it!!
Hi pickle, didn't notice you - all OK??

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A fault has been found in the Double decker Airbus

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