how do I remove my name from my house deeds? in The AnswerBank: Civil
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how do I remove my name from my house deeds?

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lisaspencer | 13:03 Fri 02nd Nov 2007 | Civil
3 Answers
My partner and I are splitting up and I want to sign the house over so that it is solely in his name. I don't want to pay solicitors to do it and wonder if there is a process I can follow myself? Also, there are more than one lender on the property.
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You can't do it at all unless all the lenders agree. They will need to be satisfied that he can meet all the financial obligations himself.
....and you dont want to pay solicitors to do it...

are you crazy ? If you do it wrong, you could end up with this huge millstone still around your neck = the outstanding debt.

With big things like houses and debts why do people try to fix it all with a bit of sticky tape and typex ?

and use a conveyancer not a solictor they are so much cheaper, they usually have a set price for you. ive used conveyancers many a time and found them brilliant

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how do I remove my name from my house deeds?

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