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Proper Autumnal

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jonnoman | 23:50 Sat 03rd Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
and i love it!

the straky sun, the crisp air, the millions of dead leaves!

deffo my favourite time of the year (plus its my birthday in 19 days) ..dont forget! ;)


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Hi jonnoman, i like the Autumn too, and i love the spring, take care love megan. xxxxxxxxx
weather not too cold or too hot. crisp mornings and quiet evenings. my birthday in three weeks aswell
Hi excelsior, i hope you have a lovely birthday, it's my daughters on the 11th of dec. love megan. xxxxxxx
I love, love, love Autumn! It's the best time of the year in my opinion too.

I am lucky to live in a rural area so I get to see a blaze of glorious colour every day. Stunning!
thank you megan ... i'll be 47 on 29th nov. happy birthday to your daughter
to aprilis ..... do you have the capability to take a snapshot of your stunning view & post it? i'd love to see
Hi Aprilis, that sounds lovely, take care, love megan. xxxxxxx
Thank you, excelsior, love megan. xxxxxxxxx
I'll try and give it a go jonno. I very irresponsibly tried to take some pics on my phone driving home from work the other day but I'm afraid that as I was (quite rightly!) concentrating on driving they were rubbish and didn't show the colours.
Sorry that was to excelsior.
don't do it if you are not certain - i would not want you to get into difficulty .................... who is jonno?
ah - i see. sorry jonnoman
Autumn is my favourite time of year. I love the blazes of colours in the trees. Would really like to visit New England in the fall, it looks amazing.
Sorry, hello Megan!
sorry Hi everyone.
It's my daughters birthday on the 18th of this month also :))
many happy returns to her

Thanks excelsior :))
It's Mr Aprilis's birthday on the 18th too and Miss Aprilis's on the 19th.

Happy birthday to all you November babies!

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