Nicky: Nicky, I really have compassion for the emotions you must be experiencing at this moment. It is a complex issue in the dynamic of family relations.
Taking into account what you�ve shared about your mother, perhaps then it is first most important that you decide for yourself what you wish to have happen. Do you wish to meet your biological father? Are you emotionally prepared should he reject you? Do you envisage the forming of any relationship with this man? And, considering what you�ve shared here this evening, do you feel that in telling your mother of your knowledge, could it create discord and distress within the family, thus causing stress for you, your own child and the man who has raised you as his own? I feel these are important, private issues which you must first consider.
If your ultimate decision is to speak with your biological father, then perhaps it may be best that you first speak with him privately and not mention this to anyone else. Should you feel the relationship between your caring father is such that the two of you can speak privately, perhaps you would feel better sharing your thoughts with him privately and not, at this time, include your mother.
The advice we share is always somewhat abstract as we can�t possibly fully appreciate all of the facets of your family dynamic.
Nevertheless, we are here if you wish to think further about what you wish to do. However, based upon what you�ve shared now, I�m not certain there�s much more advice I could offer that would be different than what I�ve already shared.
Please do let us know how you get along.
You are in my thoughts
Fr Bill