Once again the local common has been invaded by 'travelling people'. On this occasion they broke down the sturdy road barrier to a cul-de-sac. They are still there after a week, apparently the council can't act quickly because they are on a Highway rather than on the common. Once again I suppose when they have eventually gone we will find the usual heart-breaking piles of building rubbish and human excrement everywhere.
My question is, where do they live/go in between evictions ?
Every year they would come and park their vans behind our back garden which backed onto a small field. Every year they did their toilet outside our gate and every year they left one heck of a mess that rate payers have to clear up. We would have them for about 6 weeks. When they left the last time, there was such a comotion and I got threatened that the church who owned the land eventually decided (after their church windows got smashed) to build a big enough ramp so they couldn't get on but before that they would break the locks.
I don't believe there are any decent, non lying travellers amongst them!
Travellers, when they get fed up with travelling, are being given houses by housing associations. I know because a few moved into our street. They have the obligatory scrap metal business, including the regular balancing of 2 whole cars on the back of a tiny truck, and with the blessing of the local councillor. They have so many cars parked that visitors struggle to find space. Once well tended front gardens are now mini scrap yards.
They were very happy to double park and leave you mastering driving on the pavement (it was a cul de sac). When I waited to get thru one day a weather beaten woman came up after several minutes of me sitting there and said they wouldn't be long. I asked nicely why they couldn't pull over and load (there was ample space to) and she stuck her head thru my car window, an inch from my face and said 'I told you they won't be long OK?' I waited several more minutes before they finished and moved. You didn't want to antagonise them either as they knew where you lived. I am no Hyacinth but I was very happy to be able to sell up and leave.
I had some opposite where i work , we had them for a few days , came asking for water and toilet facilities, told them where to go (no pun ) , eventually the landlord asked some "friends" who came with some jcb,s to dig them in , they soon moved off after the usual jesticulating and threats , I don't think anyone would mind at all if they came and went and left no trace of them being there , travellers please note this !