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Is the mobile i'm calling working

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plexie | 11:40 Wed 07th Nov 2007 | How it Works
4 Answers
I've been texting and calling a mobile. The texts seem to be going through and i get a ringone when i call, but i've had no response to either. It's not likely that i'm being ignored, maybe they're away. Is there any way of knowing if my contact is being received or if the phone is still in use.


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A lot of phones have a delivery confirmation feature. Does yours? If so switch it on and try sending your message again. It should let you know if it has been receieved ok.
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Yes, tried that and it says delivered. I'm wondering if the phone's been lost, shame if so as this was my only way of contact
I suppose you could keep ringing and ringing. If it is lost then someone might answer once it gets on their nerves?
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been doing that too, at random times of the day, which relates back to my original question of whether it is actually ringing out at the other end. Wonder if the provider can check the lne the same as BT can cn chek a landline

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Is the mobile i'm calling working

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