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Do any of you find Cathy Newman extraordinarily sexy ?

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whiffey | 20:41 Wed 07th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
It doesn't matter if you don't, and I expect you'll all ignore this question anyway, after all you normally ignore everything I post anyway. Katie Razzall, she's got a brown leather coat tonight, and that VOICE !!!

I keep pressing 5 but it still doesn't work :(


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I never expected an answer, I know how much you hate me. But you are missing out on so much, I am so so very nice, and naturally I can prove it.
no to cathy

I wud sh@g Katie tho
She resembles Laurence Stern.
awww Whiffey we don't hate you :)))

Never heard of any of them. Who are they ??
when have i ever ignored you mydear whiffey?
Oi ! Now look here young Master Whiffey... I have never ignored you (the opposite is actually true) but I must admit I have never heard of Katie R or her voice... is it only available darn sarf ?

Try pressing *back* instead of 5...

Failing that, simply type, Yes Ma'am, in reply to this post so that
we can remove the muffins (and all the meadows in between)......I think you will find that 2'6" is quite adequate.
awwww we dont ignore ya whiff
Hi Weeal :)

No we don't ignore Whiffey..........but Whiffey ignores US :))
Hi Louisa, yeah he doesnt return to his posts does he lol

He's too busy dialling '5' to trace the mystery caller
lol Weeal.....mmm....i wonder who it was ?

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Do any of you find Cathy Newman extraordinarily sexy ?

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