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pussnboots | 22:51 Wed 07th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Just seen this on the Food & Drink section, what do you think.....isnt it awful ??

Watch it through.


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typical french...
Disgusting (the food looks pretty bad too!)
Seriously I can't understand how anyone could eat something like that - as cazzz says, typically french.
Hi pussnboots, i love your cat, just watched the video, those poor little birds, love megan. xxxxx
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I suppose its no different from us eating chicken or turkey, they still have to be killed, but is seems alien eating sparrows.
Hi again pussnboots , I also meant to tell you what a lovely cat you have , for the tiny birds in that clip , no I couldn't think of eating one :-) xxx
I think the worse part is that they capture them as they pass through from sweden on their way to migrate in africa
On a corporate do in France we dined at a fabulous chateau, served caviar by costumed waiters and dined on a lovely meat dish. Some bright spark translated the menu and gave everybody the impression they were eating lark or nightingale in pastry. There was a mass downing of knives and forks and the waiters were mystified.

I think the name of the dish was in a similar vein to our toad in the hole. Not to be taken literally. And it wasn't by a few, including me and hubby who enjoyed every mouthful of what I dont believe for a minute was a small bird. The meat was large, solid and no bones. Any doubts and I would have left it too. I felt the rest of them had insulted the venue and its staff.

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