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caz99 | 23:01 Wed 07th Nov 2007 | Computers
2 Answers
can any one help when i go on the internet on my laptop a box comes up saying a website wants to open web contents using this program on your computer and it says the name is windows host process(rundll32) and a box that says allow or dont allow i press dont allow how can i stop this coing up every time i go on the net its only just come on but it never use to


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don't go back to that site?

rundll32.exe is a process which executes DLL's and places their libraries into the memory, so they can be used more efficiently by applications

You don't say which websites ..... or which prog is issuing the warning ....

I'm guessing that the warning comes from zone alarm ... or some other Insternet security prog

and probably relates to a java app or maybe quicktime

generally speaking ... the window should also have an option to make this the default action
so tick the box and say no .... and you'll never be asked again

another question is the website(s) ..
do you trust them? (if not why go back)
if you do .... let it rip
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hi it say the publisher is microsoft windows and under that is details which says c/winwows/system32/gzmrotate dll" d verify it coes on as soon as i click to go on internet explorer and it says allow or dont allow a press dont allow and it goes of and i can carry on but the next time i go to go on internet explorer the message comes back again how do i get rid of it

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