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Poppy Appeal

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Lonnie | 23:05 Thu 01st Nov 2007 | Society & Culture
31 Answers
I've put this also in B&S, just asking those of you that haven't bought one yet, please, please do so, doesn't cost much at all.



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I have bought a poppy and will remember the dead (predominately conscripts) from World War One.

It seems very hypocritical that we state "We Will Remember" and then go into more wars.

The First World War was 'the war to end all wars' - sadly that has been forgotten and although we remember the people who died we seem to forget the reason behind it.
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Hi everyone,
As I said on the other thread, thanks very much for your responses.

jake, you should get together with elvis on the other thread, however, as has been said, your entitled to your viewpoint, and if for whatever reason you don't like the Legion, I certainly wouldn't slate you for it.

That reminded me of a neighbour we used to have, passed on now, a real character, used to be in the Merchant, on the Russian Run, he'd stand outside, and anyone who stopped to talk, he'd show his scars to, thing is, they were on his backside.

Hi smudge,,
Thanks for putting that link up.

I agree totally.

Thats excellent, whynot put it in suggestions, just to see what sort of response you'd get from other A/Bers,
I did that, I think last year, before this ed took over, never got a reply, so I wish your efforts all the best, its a topic thats been needed for a long time.
I just read your reply to jake, that saying is very apt, do you know where I can get a copy?.

By we, I take it you mean your family?, thats a wonderful thing to do, and it obviously means a lot to you.

because of personal cicumstances, what i've written has just taken me close to three hours, so i'll just say now, a gret thankyou for your marvellous replies, including yours jake.
Jake, we're talking about human beings here. The state may have asked them, or in many cases, compelled, them, to fight, and yes, the commitment should be honoured by the state, but the simple fact is that commitment isn't being honoured by the state - and if the state doesn't care, and we don't care, then who the hell will care? Are your principles really worth more than a couple of pounds to help support these people? If so, then you're a sad man indeed.
Lonnie, Not a pretty sight, no doubt, but good for him!
I bought mine yesterday Lonnie, i never miss a year ! least i can do!
I admit that I hung back from entering this thread until I read jake-the-peg response. Wasn't brave enough before, to face condemnation by other posters.
In my house one of us buys the poppy, and spends all day crying on Remembrance Sunday
The other does not buy one because if they had the chance they would be a conscientious objector.

It is for principals that some of us were and will be prepared to die for. Its just we can not agree which are the principles.
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Thanks again everyone for responding, This year, most of the money raised is going towards the wounded, mental and physical, from Iraq and Afghanistan.
I am reluctant to buy a poppy because I was told a few years ago that arms manufacturers advertised in the remembrance festival programme. As a pacifist I find this hypocritical.
Folker, who told you that, and do you know that it's true? I can't say, because I don't know. I understand your pacifist stance, and I respect your views, but we are talking about ordinary human beings here who need our help and our human compassion, so perhaps a pound in the box isn't too great a price to pay even though the reason these people suffered goes against your principles.
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I've been a member of the Legion for quite some years now, and i#ve never seen or heard of that,

However, don't take my word, there must be A Legion clubhouse somewhere in your locality, go and find out.

Thanks for your support/
Lonnie, you're welcome.

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