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Emu2005 | 11:24 Fri 09th Nov 2007 | Music
4 Answers
that I quite like the new girls aloud song??!!

Also did anyone see them on jonathan ross last friday? The 'ugly' one (don't know the names!) looked absolutely awful - thick white make up she looked like a ghost, who on earth styled her??!! I don't think she's that bad usually, but she just looked hideous!!


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Ha!! I know what you mean I dont like them but I have to admit some of their tracks are ok as long as I dont have to see the video!!
well the ugly one might be different depending on what person sees as ugly. But whispersdo you mean the ginger one?
i thought sarah harding looked shocking on jonathan ross
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Yes i think it is the ginger one (although two have slightly red hair?!) - I know it's horrible to call her ugly and I don't think she is! But I know that's what people call her and I didn't know her name....

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