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i woke up today

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SKA | 13:38 Fri 09th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
and saw the date on my phone and then got the feeling that today is the day, I dont know what of though!!

so whats so good about today?


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Its your birthday?
Question Author
lol no it's no where near april!! Is it?!
its Friday
the only good thing about today is that it's not tomorrow!
Question Author
I know its friday and Im glad for it!!

It's 9 November that threw me
Todays etched in my mind because I have an hospital appointment.

Cant help you on that though Im afraid.
Urgh! I was sat here thinking why does that date ring a bell for me otherwise? Its and ex's birthday ......blah! lol
Question Author
you know what psychick, i think it may be the birthaday of a guy I used to be close to too. I hope he has a rotton day if it is- HAHAHA
Unless you saw the date "9/11" and thought of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre?
its my daughters birthday today, and my sister in in labour delivering her second baby as we speak... thats why today is the day
Friday at this time (16.40) is just about peak time of the week :o) thank the Lord it's friday evening!
lol SKA, isnt the same bloke is it?

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i woke up today

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