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Song from 2003

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Booldawg | 17:56 Fri 09th Nov 2007 | Music
5 Answers
Very similar in both tune and lyrics to 'hey hey we're the monkeys' - looking for band and title....thanks in advance :-)


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any lyrics?
I cant stand McFly they are sh!te......and irritating.....and Im sure that that is who u r looking for...I could not name the song but Im sure they did something similar to the monkeys song u r talking about
may have been Help cover of Beattles song
It could be the Thrills, one of their songs, (I think it's Big Sur), goes "Hey, hey we're the monkeys and people say we monkey around, but nobody's listening now..." Good song, great band.
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Thanks effer -it is the Thrills tune I after!

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Song from 2003

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