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Brown having a kip

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helpmetoo | 12:51 Mon 12th Nov 2007 | News
33 Answers
Did we see Gordon Brown asleep during the remembrance Service on saturday night?

Well Gordon i think it would of been PRUDENT for you to show an interest in the service for our war dead.

Otherwise dont bother to show up.


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Did the person next to him hear a snore?

But isn't it possible to feel nothing but respect for the war dead, but to be bored to tears by an event which honours them?

Say if it was a hideously boring show...he may have nodded off, but it has nothing to do with what he feels for those who have given, or continue to give their lives in the protection of this country.

But I have to admit bias here...I think Gordon has the makings of a great PM. I have nothing but admiration for him (at the moment).
Thatcher's negligence - Falklands War
Major's cowtowing - The Gulf War
Blair's Ar$elicking - Afghanistan War
Blair's lies - Iraq War

All have contributed to the numberous British war dead.

Maybe Brown can get on the list with Iran.
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if the floodgates of uncontrolled immigration stay open he may be able to add civil war2 to the list

watch italy, theyre not usually even up for a fight!
Good grief!
sp1814 makes a good point.

I have nothing but respect for the brave men and women who have given their lives for this country. But, come on: in general, remembrance events like this really are f*cking boring.

It's one thing Britain does very, very badly. We're so poor at expressing genuine emotion (in an official capacity) that we churn out these ceremonies based on a template of what we think grief should look like.

I'm not saying we should introduce razzamattazz. But it is possible to commemorate the dead in a way that's imaginative, personal and compelling.

Or do we want another 1,000 years of military marching and Abide With Me?

Blimey - is there any subject on which immigration doesn't impact?'s a little competition...let's see if you can somehow tie immigration into the story about obese people not being allowed IVF treatment:

I bet you can do it in under five minutes!
-- answer removed --

Reasonable...very reasonable.
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sp 1814

i dont think anyone should be entitled to ivf treatment

its life, what you are dealt, get over it

ive got short legs and am ill with worry that i cant be a high jumper

i dont think leg extensions are on the nhs....tough

nature has its own way of filtering, the more we interject the worse the human race will fare

similarly where you are born is a trick of nature and a minute point in time.... put up with it

i can here you moaning the r word

far from it, nothing wrong in my book with e.g. a romanian living in romania


I don't think you got the point I was driving at.

IVF treatment for obese patients is a random news story which I want you to link to immigration, in the same way that you linked Gordon Brown's yawning/sleeping to immigration.
IVF treatment for obese patients to "increase number of immigrants"

Leading figures in the world of medical ethics have expressed 'enormous concern' at plans to impregnate obese patients with black, Asian or Eastern European foetuses - without their knowledge or consent.

The ground-breaking medical procedure, known as IVF (or Immigrants Violating Fatties), looks set to massively increase the number of foreign nationals in the UK.

According to plans drawn up jointly by the Department of Health and the Home Office, doctors will secretly impregnate obese patients with foetuses, safe in the knowledge that the pregnancy will reach full term before the hosts notice any weight gain.

Once born, the infants will be transported to a Mosque, paid for by the UK taxpayer, where they will be taught foreign languages, EU law and bomb-making.
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i noticed your point

you missed the fact i was replying to gromit who made an aside re wars etc

as in many wars immigration can be the pivotal point

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