In America, "The Holidays" refer to the time between Thanksgiving and Christmas. It is not PC to say "Christmas shopping". So we must say "Holiday" There was abig push to eliminate the words Merry Christmas from the retail world, as to not offend our Jewish, Muslim, etc, brothers and sisters.. There was a backlash and some retailers have used Merry Christmas in their ads and even encourage the sales people to say it.
This country, though diverse, is a Christian founded gov't and society. If I moved to a Muslim country, I would NEVER expect them to bend and change the culture to suit MY views. and they wouldn't. So MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
I love to share other religous and cultural holidays and have others share in mine. That is one thing that makes the country great. we can all share and learn, but I WILL NOT hide My culture for fear of offending someone else.
My friend lives in a complex where no decorations can be visible from the outside. So the Christmas tree cannot be in the window or opposite it. That's crap!!!!!