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Johanne87 | 23:00 Sat 10th Nov 2007 | Body & Soul
13 Answers
My boyfriend has CHRONIC eczema- weve had allergy tests, steriod creams, anitbiotics- he dosent eat dairy, and various other foods, yet his skin is always still itchy and he bleeds constantly- does anyone have any reccomendations? its a nightmare. his eyes are really bad and we struggle to find stuff to use on it as the skin is so sensitive. so soaps or perfume...

I heard light therapy but was told its for psorisis? Iv heard about a chip thats inserted that records what you eat and whats irritating? any suggestions?


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Has he seen a specialist dermatologist ? If so I can only suggest 15mins exposure to sun each day ( if you can find some) and Vitamin E cream morning and night.
sorry im messing up on computer tonight, very tired not sure what im doing
I feel so badly for both of you. I know this is a difficult challenge for you both. I know the dermatologist can prescribe a particular light therapy on a limited basis that can help somewhat. However, this appears to be a chronic situation that probably needs a steroidal series.

In Romania and Moldova, where we have children with weeping eczma and no medicine, we've found that by bathing the children in 'raw' milk tends to help the skin considerably. It must be raw as the pasturisation process kills the essential enzymes. Nevertheless, it does work to some benefit.

Unfortunately, there are no direct cures. Stress and diet can directly affect the condition as well as peripheral things such as certain materials and detergents.

I do wish you every success

Fr Bill
I can't remember if the person I am about to talk about had psoriasis or eczema. I know both look kind of similar but are in fact very different conditions.

Anyway, after trying numerous creams, potions, jollops and dietary restraints, he had a nice holiday on a resort on the Red Sea.

The salts in the ocean there combined with ultra high compounded sun rays treated his skin very kindly.

There are sun creams available that block out the harmful rays but let in the safe UV ones, so skin cancer was not an issue.

May be worth reading up on.

His condition came back, I think it can never fully disappear, but it is certainly better than it ever was.
Avoid any perfumed soaps, bubble baths, shampoo etc.
Use only non-bio soap powder.
Try Oilatum in the bath, and e45 or aqueous cream afterwards.
May also be worth trying an evening primrose capsule every day and avoiding fish (as well as dairy)
And trying not to get stressed too.
No scientific proof t any of these things, just persnal experience!
it may not be his diet though, has he had patch tests done
to find out what he is allergic to.

i use Oilatum myself but i only have it mild

I have a friend that has this condition and was quite bad with it till he found out by having patches on from hospital they found out what he was allergic too.Got quite a shock with the results. He is allergic to leather (has had to cover his suite) wear special shoes.also glues has to wear all cotton clothing and underwear. and quite a few other things Now it is all beginning to heal but has took awhile .Said he used to have a little eczema when he was younger but now in early 60's it has suddenly come to a head.
My father keeps his itchy skin under control by using the smallest aount of steroid cream he can get away with, daily for six weeks.
Then he switches for the next 6 weeks to a traditional treatment - his own urine. It's mixed with a little glycerine to make it sticky.
Worth a try - you can never run out!!
Good luck.
funnily enough i was reading about relieving these symptoms in the metro paper today and oatmeal baths were recommended.put some oats in a nylon stocking or tights tied up and soak in the water .dyli795
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Thanks everyone for your help- we will certainly give things a bash!! even the pee!! hehehe

ta much all

the urine now makes sense to 18 month old daughter has reasonably bad eczema and has had since birth, although her whole body is covered with eczema her nappy area has always been completely clear of the condition so if you dare to try it then yes it definately does seem to work...

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