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What is this mark on my daughter's photo?

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tigwig | 10:28 Thu 15th Nov 2007 | Body & Soul
27 Answers
I have posted this on religion and spirituality as well but want to know if any of you have heard of it before. I have just noticed on a small photo I have of my daughter upstairs there is a small red and white lightbulb shape on her fringe! I know that sounds crazy but at first I thought there was something stuck on the picture but it won't come off and I have never noticed it before. What is it??


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yes it is a mystery Octavius, there is no glass surrounding the photo, I absolutely definitely have never seen this before because it was never there before. All this photo is a very small picture that was taken to go in a local newspaper and has been displayed in my house for around 9 months now I pick it up to dust it every single week and can assure you and everyone else this mark was not there firstly when I bought it it cos obviously I wouldn't have chosen that picture if it was and secondly, I would have seen it before all I want to know is what the hell is it? Also the photo is not faded in anyway this 'thing' just stands out a mile so the mystery goes on.... thanks anyway
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I would just like to add I do think that you Octavius are very cleverly trying to take the mick out of me but honestly my question is not a wind up all I wanted was other people's opinions on what this could be without trying to be funny and taking me for an idiot. I guess I am very vunerable at the moment spiritually because my mum in law died in June obviously she was my 3 year old daughter's grandma and I wondered however stupid it may be to other people if this was anything to do with it
i think you are far from stupid & i'm very sorry to hear about your loss. I dont think you're making it up, i guess there may be some logical explanation for it, but if you truly belive it has something to with your loss & it gives you peace and comfort than just go with it & be happy.
If you dust it every week you maybe spay furniture polish or similar not on it but in the vicinity? My experience of dodgy aerosol sprays landing anywhere other than where you want them to, would lead me to suggest that a splash has landed on the photo and dissolved some of the colour.
That should be Spray (I hate wireless keyboards in need of batteries!)
I suppose my mickey taking was at the outlandish 'Chosen One' suggestion, since this is the preferred bandwagon for many wishing to believe in the physical displays of spiritual entities. A bit like the figure that appears in a potato or in the froth of a capuccino rather than having a face looking like some old beardy bloke, it is always Jesus himself apparently. I am sorry to hear that, but I don't accept the guilt tripping lay it on me about the mother IL I'm afraid as I could never have known.

As said, probably a chemical reaction or exposure to the elements, nothing more I'm afraid.

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What is this mark on my daughter's photo?

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