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Breakfast ?

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bigmamma | 11:16 Sat 17th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Morning all , hope your weekend is going well . I had another senior moment this morning , hee , I lined up the dogs dish and my breakfast bowl on the kitchen top ,next thing I realise I have got dog biscuits and dried sausage in my bowl and the dog has porridge in hers !!!


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Hi julie - take care on that road! -x-

lol bigmamma - I've been cutting his hair for donkeys years, using scissors not clippers, too risky when you're watching telly at the same time! I do a short back & sides, slightly longer sideburns & spikey on top - a bit like this:
Colin Farrell
I've always loved cutting hair & whenever I see my brothers & sisters, they often ask whether I've got my scissors with me for a trim!

Oh, he's back! have a nice day & keep warm. -xx-
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Have a good afternoon smudge :-) xxx
Oh gosh yes jules , watch the roads , go steady on the bike , imagine how embarrassing it would be as the paramedic assured you your paper bag was safe .:-D xxx
Good day Mamma and all!
Itsall ok bigmamma and smudge! Im back safe and sound! I didnt fall off and all papers were delivered safely! Not sure if they went to the right houses or not but, not to worry! lol
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Hello society :-) x
Excellent unrulyjulie , back safe and sound , well done :-) xxx
well i had put clean pants on just in case i fell off bigmamma, my mum always told me i should! Still, all's well that ends well! :-) xx
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Hi bigmamma - apart from nearly eating the dog's breakfast how are you? I have many senior moments - too often to mention.
I'm just back from a short break in north Devon (beautiful place) and am sulking as I have to go back to work on Monday! And it's raining here and it was supposed to be fine today. Never mind - could be a lot worse I suppose.
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Lol unrulyjulie , my mum always used to say that too :-0 xxx
Hello bensmum , I am fine thankyou , just got back from town , it was bedlam in there , so busy , and seeming like everyone is walking straight into you .
Devon is beautiful , I bet you didn't want to come back to the thought of work routine on monday :-) xxx
Hi bigmamma and the rest of CB! :) How are you all? I am giggling at your initial "moment" bm...Did you bother to swap over, or did Porsche get an oaty treat for her brekkie?!

Had a long week, and got a long weekend ahead, so wrapping up warm and seeing myself through it with much chocolate...Roll on graduation! And 45 years' time when I can retire!

What's everyone on with? X
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Hi leelapops sweetie , you keep warm and enjoy your chocolate . Yes , I thought she may as well eat it once it cooled down , but she still got her dog biscuits and dried sausage which I transferred from my bowl to another dog dish , she must have thought it was her birthday :-)

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