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how was your working day?

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bobtheturkey | 18:26 Mon 19th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
did you have a good day at work? do you enjoy your jobs?


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still working now : - )
See it as a means to a end sometime, yep suppose i do most of the time, but get fed up with the p.c side of things, they encourage you to speak your mind, when u do you get to put your point across yoyu are seen as a bad person!
Hi Bob, went to school and now I'm at work suppose to be working. But you know how AB can be fuel for a long day ...

How's is Brenda and Mrs. Harris? What are you getting them for Christmas? Now that the windows are closed because of the cold, Mrs. Harris can no longer peep at you while you change into your Primark boxers -:)
agree with that puddicat, in fact if you are someone who does speak out at work you are normally the first one they want to get rid of!
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i may have posted this twice handy maybe as i expect thousands of replies
-- answer removed --
Hey bob,

The worst thing about today at work is that there was no internet/email or student database so it meant there was even less to do than usual.

And I couldn't check up on the AB gossip!


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how was your working day?

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