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What would you do?

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ChocolatChip | 18:37 Mon 19th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Follow your dream course and know that it might lead you to nowhere. Or do a course that you're not really interested in and most likely come out with a decent job at the end of it.
What would you do?


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many take the first choice so we are all lumbered by 30 somethings lugging giant rucksacks around talking about parties and wearing glasses when they dont actually need them, otherwise known as students, anyone taking a bog standard degree who is still a student by age 25 should be shot in the feet
Of course do the latter. If you are young I say you have a good chance at both. Knowledge is always useful whether you realise it or not. For one thing it helps shape the mind.
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I'm only 18 so I feel safe now :)
i mean what on earth is media studies? or leisure and tourism what is that going to get you? a job in a leisure centre? and what is in those rucksacks? the population of poland? i had one such imbecile in front of me the other day and every time he turned round he whacked me with this huge bag, i hate students, i used to get the train on a friday and there they were travelling home for the weekend with their huge throats and silly baggy jeans not a penny of tax paid their entire life
Hey Choco,

I agree with society, as you are young you should be able to do both, just keep your eye on the 'time' whilst you're doing what you want to do. Before you know it you'll be 40 and having a panic!!

I did neither!! I opted for the kids version - learn by my mistake!!


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