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oooh redcrx

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4getmenot | 16:52 Mon 19th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
29 Answers
you always miss the fun. Bomb disposal on site :-)


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police told me a box on old site was found where they are digging.
Had the pupil just been given a bad report?
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makes a change from guns
time will tell i suppose 4get :)

just drive past it quickly on your way home
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Question Author
Ok all is fine now just spoken to policeman again who told me it was something a child had found in grounds outside school and took in to show the teacher. I have seen photo of it and it looked like a giant button mushroom, bomb disposal are certain it isn�t dangerous and have took it away to be examined.
So your hairbrush is still missing?
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yep fraid so
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maybe bomb disposal wasnt people I need maybe i need those Archaeological people

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oooh redcrx

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