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buying shoes

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bobtheturkey | 14:39 Mon 19th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
when you were taken as a kid to buy new shoes or trainers did you insist on wearing them there and then and were you allowed? is this still common practice amongst the little people and their parents


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I definitely did, and my old shoes got put in the new shoe box for some reason!! In fact, I still do it now!
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do they still have those things you put your feet in that measured your feet is there a name for this device
Yup I did!
Also do you remember the X Ray machine? You put the shoes you were trying on then they put your foot in an x ray machine to see if the shoes were squeezing your toes or not. Obviuously this was before they decided x rays were harmful, when smoking was 'good for you' and you were supposed to go to work on an egg!
Used to love looking at my feet in the x-ray machine - how many of you can remember them.
Awww those were the days. I loved getting new shoes, still do. I let my children wear theirs straight away if they want to.x
Sorry Hellyon for some reason I didn't see your post.
When I got shoes as a child it was school leather lace ups and you took them home in the box . We were pleased to have the box as we used to cut arch holes in it and aim marbles at it . :-) xx
As children, we often used to have hand-me-downs shoes, but as I got older & Mum bought me new ones, I used to be so excited & couldn't wait to wear them - usually when I got home though, just in case. I always kept them well polished & shiny too.

I really enjoyed buying new shoes for our daughters & sometimes do the same with our grandchildren too, except there's so much choice these days! They also get measured up, wheras I didn't!

I love leather shoes, full stop!

I don't remember x-ray machines for checking shoe sizes, I bet that was fun!

Hey Bobtheturkey,

Unfortunately I was forced into clarks shoes as a child, this was ok until the platforms came in and I was still in clarks!

Mind you I have lovely feet now, not in the slightest mangled by ill fitting shoes.

clarks shoes were always very well fitted banjo, it was one of the only shops that properly measured your feet, and the price reflected it too....

Have to agree with banjo we always had Clarks, lace-ups in winter and sandals in summer. Altough we were a large family, we were never allowed to wear each others shoes or 2nd hand shoes, and I have to say I also have lovely feet, no bunions, corns, mishapen toes or anything.
Oh , yes , us too neti , we were a big family but my parents only ever got us new shoes and always Clarks . x
I've got lovely feet too, not crooked, no corns or bunions!

Some of my friends have got awful feet from wearing winkle pickers, but glad to say I haven't! ;o}

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buying shoes

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