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Strange.... but true.

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Miss Random | 18:33 Tue 20th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
36 Answers
I've just posted an answer on the missing Legend thread, it was perfectly worded (no naughty words!!) and informative.
Yet the whole question has been removed.

How many people does it take to remove a question?

Why would anyone object to knowing that Leggy is okay?

Who did it?



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Yeah, why is Legend not around? What's going on?
Evening Psychick , and society :-) xxx
Hi bigmamma :))

Not sure psychick, it's not like legend to be absent. I hope he's ok.
leg end is not posting because he is doing things other than posting, and he has not posted today.

How hard is it to understand this ?
Oh hi to Miss Random, I am not really a belligerent argumentative sod, nice to see you, I am mostly floppy.
Hi bigmamma :) how was your day?

Not a bad day thankyou Psychick , it's a bit wet here and the damp cold makes me worse , but I'm not complaining.
How are you today , how are the hips and pelvis sweetie ?
Hello all

whiffey young man - read Miss Random's comments ''just wanted to tell everyone why Leggy was upset''.....Anyhoo, when are we going to get one of your ''post a photo/I'm leaving'' threads, not seen one for a while, are you ok?

Miss R, is Leg ok?
At least the winds have died down bigmamma, Im not bad thanks, took today off though so I could just relax. But this evening Ive been running round catching up on everything and now Im shattered again! lol
Question Author
Okay, folks.... false alert...

Leggy is fine, just spoken to him.
He was being nuzzled by some swedish blonde (obviously daft) holidaymaker......

We're the daft ones... he's having more fun than us.,,,lol

Respect to the Leg.

He causes more trouble when he is not here than he does when he is!!
Awwww Psychick , take it easy sweets , try to have a relaxing evening if you have been busy . :-o) xxx
Little one is about to go to bed bigmamma then the sofa is all mine for the rest of the evening :)

I'll catch up with you all later :)
Hi Mamma, Missy, Beads and all. Thanks Miss R. for letting us know The Leg is kicking. -;)

Yes... I was removed for some reason!
-- answer removed --

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Do you know the answer?

Strange.... but true.

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