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Potter Minor

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whiffey | 00:21 Wed 21st Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
The swelling has subsided a little now, but could we use a slightly different approach next time, just to be on the safe side and save on plastic. xxx.


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this should be in Relationships and dating
Question Author
No it shouldn't. I put it here and here it stays. Stop whingeing and answer it.
i am not whingeing and you, as a moderator of your level you should show some self-moderation and ban your own thread!
Question Author
I posted this in an independent category, it just happened to land in Chatterbank.
you are not supposed to abuse the independant category option you numpty!
Who or what is Potter Minor........?
Morris's younger sibling
I dont understand the question?

Neither do I - what happened to Potter Minor, or more precisely, which bit was swollen, and how would plastic had improved it - most perplexing !!!

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Potter Minor

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