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how to catch a mouse

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mybutty | 20:19 Tue 20th Nov 2007 | Animals & Nature
27 Answers
can anyone tell me the best food to put out to catch a mouse, i wont be using a trap, just a milk bottle on a slant so it can get in for the food but cant get back up again , any othe humane ways to catch it will be very welcome


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Hello Cetti, we live in the country, so are used to seeing all sorts of creatures, including rats, running around the fields. I wouldn't like them to be in the house though, but I'm pretty sure if they were we'd still try to catch them rather than kill them. (Well, my husband would try to catch them - I'd run a mile!!). That's so stupid, isn't it - but unfortunately, it's true - and I wish it wasn't!
The best way to catch a mouse is to hit it over the head with a shovel, then put it in the bin, dont be so soft with them.they are vermin.
Oh no, naomi, these little darlings were in my shed, not in our house! Different species, thank goodness, but they were naughty.
They had chomped their way through a toughened plastic box and devoured a three month supply of peanuts, started nibbling on my garden kneeler.......before gnawing on the garden something had to be done. I do miss them, though. Like little clockwork toys scurrying around.
Definitely chocolate I had the same problem in a first floor flat and somehow a mouse had got under my fridge, I didn�t want to kill it either so coaxed it out but make sure the bottle is at edge of room and all doors have a towel at bottom because that�s where they will head for. Make sure you let it free far away, as I put mine in garden opposite and the next week it was back.
Yep, chocolate, they love it
You can buy a humane trap from 'Wilko' for a couple of �'s they work like a see-saw, the mouse goes in to get the bait (chocolate) it's weight tips the trap op which closes a trap making it impossible for the mouse to escape, there are airholes so it can breath, you then release the mouse at your leisure
Easy peasy lemon squeeeeeeeeeeeeeezy!!
My Dad used to use fruit pastilles

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