....reasons to leave the country, number 348. This is no longer a "free" country. What were 2 world wars fought for? Our so-called "freedom" - freedom of speech (that went out the window ages ago!), freedom of the Press (sure - they're all in the pockets of one of the political parties!), freedom to have a cigarette if we want one (ha, ha), or a drink (ooh...you're over your 3 units a week, naughty!). And what about our glorious NHS - soon it'll be, "If you don't stop smoking/drinking/eating meat, we won't treat you" Did anyone hear Heather Mills on the radio the other day, trying to get us all to become vegans, so's we could save the planet? I've never heard such a load of old codswallop in my life (I've got nothing against vegans or veggies, by the way, it was just the way she was ranting on!)
Rant over - I'll go back to being my normal, sensible (??!!) self, now. K xx