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now we are cooking

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bobtheturkey | 23:49 Wed 21st Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
16 Answers


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not me, can't cook for toffee! Do you have the biscuit barrel to match that bread crock?
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i can steal avatars as well now :) i am the sylar of ab :)
Yummy bob , have you got any toasty loaf in your bread crock ? xx
Oh go on, make me feel smug, please tell me it was my going through SAB idea that made it work for you?
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so dull you follow me all over ab you piano playing she man :)
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Follow you ? You should be so lucky. No, you have become DULL.
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go do your liberace impression you croydon freak :)
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No fear lol ! He used to be interesting, now he is just warped and dull. I don't see why I should be expected to make up for his bitterness with my light humour.
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hush michael
??? double dull with awesome crypticism
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caqzz digs at me simply becasue she finds me irresistible and who could blame her? whiffey there doesnt even know to stand or sit when he/she/it goes to the lavatory so who is he/she/it to give views on others :)
Dull isn't really a view, it's more a bored glimpse of a once vivid horizon through a now smeared window.

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now we are cooking

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