Its from Prospect magazine grandad ..general knowledge and very interesting ..a lot of us do it is the link ..scroll down to crossword on the left hand side .It's a PDf file which you can print off .Good Luck e.php
I am past being anonymous I think Sarumite !
Anyway when you get a minute can you mail me please ...we had meltdown here a couple of weeks ago ..our hard drive went and I lost all my email addies and lots of info . So annoying . If I see my child waving a screwdriver once more I will not be responsible for my actions . I am still trundling around trying to get stuff back .Would be grateful as I do like to keep in touch .
Oh ...Hi Pauline I didn't see you there ...hope you are feeling better ....I did send you a card ....I hope it went through ...mind you with the muddle I am in at the moment anything could happen !