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4GS | 17:43 Thu 22nd Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Anyone else having problems accessing them? I've got 3 but keep getting an error message


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I did have where if I clicked on header it would just go back to home page, but mines sorted now.
I just get sent back to the home page every time. I've posted about it in Suggs. :o)
It seems a bit hit and miss with accessing messages but keep trying and it gets there eventually :-) xxx
Try going through the sports section. Someone suggested it earlier and it worked for me.

I don't even use the sports section but hay-ho!
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Gimmie those stars back tiggerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I tried that, same error message
I kept getting sent back to the home page. I've now found that I have to be soooo precise with the cursor when clicking on the right hand side.

Do I get some stars or do the marigolds come back out??? :)

*reluctantly gives stars back to 4GS*

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