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Slip of the tongue

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bigmamma | 15:26 Fri 23rd Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
Afternoon and a very freezing cold one too . Well , I was in town and decided to get a lottery ticket for tomorrows draw. I accidently did it again , that is I asked , very clearly
" Could I have 2 lucky di - ks for the weekend please ?
:-0 xx


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Hi Legend :-) xx
Lol redcrx , blushed , well , people could have warmed their hands on me that's for sure .I couldn't get the tickets into my hand and scuttle off quick enough :-0 xxx
Hi megan , thankyou , I have yet to have my first win :-) xxx
Wel skyep , the assisstant was a bit older than me and was trying to stifle a grin as there were a few people in the queue :-) xxx
You're a gem mamma xxx
sorry skip
there were a few answers

cant be helped wehn you got a troll followin you you just get used to it babe xx
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Thankyou skyep , you too :-) xxx
No warpig , it was a female , a different one , she didn't look as friendly :-) xxx
lol bigmamma i'm always doing stuff like that, i've kinda got used to it now and just laugh!
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Hello mccfluff , well it's comforting to know you can get used to it and just laugh it off as I expect I will have more to come :-) xx
are you sure it's only a slip of the tongue bigmamma, maybe it's a hot guy serving you and you've got other things on your mind lol ;)
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Hee , that could have been a good excuse sandrajo , but no such luck :-) xx
maybe next time then....3rd time lucky eh lol
if its any consolation a few months ago in sainsbury's at lunctime, my mate had wandered down an aisle and i realised i'd forgotten to pick up a fork to eat my lunch with, so without thinking i shouted 'i catch you up i need a fork'

i realised what it had sounded like when my mate just dissolved into tears of laughter and so did the other blokes in the aisle..........

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Oh mccfluff , that's creased me up , so funny :-D xx

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Slip of the tongue

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