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Come on!! there must be benefits to not being single??

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cazzz1975 | 22:27 Thu 22nd Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
apart from spider/mouse/earwig/woodlouse/daddylongleg/annoying kids removal...


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Sorry cazzz honey,
Can't help you on this on... but will read all your replies, just to see what I'm missing...

Question Author
yeah, Im struggling for answers myself...
I'll help you out a little here....

... 'Taking the bins out'....

I take the bins out.......try again.
Well-it would be nice if there was someone to make a hot cuppa for me at the end of a crap day.....and vice versa
What about all the DIY, the flowers we buy, taking out for meals, opening the door, cleaning the drains,somebody to fetch you tea in bed, bloody hell woman we blokes never stop.
I know the answer.........

Someone to warm your feet up on in bed!!

Yessss, (do I get a star????)

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well I get a nice cuppa at night, we have lots of shared interests, the same sense of humour, he will look after the kids anytime, he buys me lovely gifts, He does all the rough play with the kids (you know how little boys like to play fight)

We play sports together, he takes out the rubbish, he evicts the freeloaders and if anything nasty happens to me he gets all macho and protective :D
Nooooo.....we sleep in seperate beds cos he snores like a gorilla.
He sounds like my kind of man cazzz,

If you get fed up with him, please flick him my way!! Think I could adjust to that kind of caring.

Wow...sounds like you have Mr Wonderfull there cazz.....I am jealous. In almost 25 years of marriage ex-mr pasta brought me tea only 1/2 doz times...sniff! :-(
Question Author
well I wouldnt be without him to be honest, our 2 boys have autism and most couples with disabled kids split up through stress alone but If anything its made us stronger, I think I am lucky considering the state of me :D
I get woken with a cup of tea. I come home to a tidy house, with my tea cooked and the food shopping done. We look out for each other and support each other. We are best friends and share everything in life; the good and the bad. I wouln't do without him!
cazzz, you're a lucky lady. I miss the company and the laughs - I hate being single again, but I could never find anyone as great as the late Mr K, so it looks like I'm gonna stay this way. (At least I've got the cats & dogs.) K xx
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Hiya, leg - not hiding, just over-worked!!

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Come on!! there must be benefits to not being single??

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