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wake the foooook up ?

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legend758duo | 08:36 Sat 24th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
oh my godddddddddd had to change ids so i dont end up banning myself get on here peeps foookkkkkkkkkk sakeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee " I'm the voice inside your head You refuse to hear " "


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your mad legend ! lol
Question Author
now sleepy if only u looked as good as your picture babe

if only lol
i do ! thats why im up just been for my 6 mile run
Morning legend, morning sleepy, have a good day i'm off out to Asda megan and marcus are still fast a sleep, it's freezing cold, legend i hope you have some thermals, for when you come back to the UK, lol big hugs love megan. xxxxxxxx
hello megan ...have fun in asda ..nice warm loaf of bread for me please lol take care xx
Question Author
tiger bread mmm
and some of that cheese past and the italian one too

with some nice spicy cooked sausages

sleepy you liar
im sittin here in my m orning glory.
dont lie to an armed man lol

i could take your eye out

megan price check the moet doll xx
lie ?? me never
Question Author
god im sittin here like a bengal lancer.
better check i aint enabled any webcam lol
Hi sleepy great minds think a like, lol we added each other to our friends list at the same time, i am pleased you are my friend, i will bring us a few bottle's of booze back, lol big hugs love megan. xxxxxx see you later. x
OKay legend, i have written that down, i'm off see you's later, big hug, megan. xxxxxxx
have gd day ! of for my shower now bye
Question Author
i aint got no friends
im a social leper :-(

but lookin on the bright side

leper women are so easy

theyre glad of the attention.

tho limbs etc falling offf during copulation can be a bit off putting lol
Question Author
im goin showering too sleeps

wanna save water ????
no ta legend lots of hot water here thanks
Question Author
think of the enviroment ??

me bubbles mmmmmmmm

youre missing a great chance here
Or right stop spitting your dummy out legend! 7:30 on a Saturday morning and he expects the world and his dog to be here!! lol

I'll have you know I was sat reading stories to my poorly daughter at 4am so earnt a lie in!

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