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FoxLee | 19:20 Fri 23rd Nov 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
16 Answers
Why does the Quizzes & Puzzles page keep disappearing apart from the heading? What can be done about it?


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I am having terrible problems also just keeps disappearing as you say.
patience - foxy - patience - god i wish this was my biggest worry - count to ten (p'raps a few times)
Question Author
But why is it happening? It only seems to be on Q & P, not on any of the other topics.
while we're on this - i have trouble sometimes - say i answer a question then want to go 'back' it seems to take click after click to get back - my little 'back' arrow is nearly worn out
Question Author
for some (unknown) reason it takes a regulation three clicks to get back.
thanks foxy - so it's not just me then - cheers
are you trying the new beta answer bank?
it seems to be ok.
Just taken me ages to get on.Really annoying.
Question Author
What's that Jan?
I'm on the new version and its still keeps coming up blank
Thank goodness, I thought it was just me. I'm always refreshing, with mixed results.
It's my first time on the site for a few days, and its as bad as ever - No - in fact its worse, with ALL the questions disappearing. Awful !
Whatever is the problem is affecting both old and new sites on a regular basis.
-- answer removed --
link to the front page of the beta site
Its frustrating, I just tried to go from page 4 to page 5 and got the blank AB screen

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