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veeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy slooooooooowwww

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4GS | 12:37 Mon 26th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Is it just me or is AB is running very slow again?


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Its not yu 4gs, I wish this would speed up a bit!! Its taken 10 mins just to load chatterbank :(
Hi 4GS, no it's not you it's really slow on here again. I might try old AB, as someone said yesterday that it was a bit faster.
old AB has been just as bad today!
Afternoon everyone! It certainly has - on both counts!
its very slow ! bit like me lol
-- answer removed --
I gave up last night - it took so long to load I got bored and found something else to do! I gather from all the posts that a lot of people are feeling much the same way.

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veeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyy slooooooooowwww

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