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Tegretol - links to Memory loss

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Hurmkin | 20:07 Sat 13th Jul 2002 | Body & Soul
1 Answers
I have been on Tegretol (Carbamazepine) for a number of years and believe that one of the bad side effects of it is the development of memory loss. Has anyone else who takes this drug/or who knows someone who does, experienced this as well?


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I'm italian and I'm sorry for my orrible english. I've been taking tegretol 400 CR for 10 years and I've got many problems with my memory. I never thought it was for tegretol?s action because my first loss of memory happened after my firs crisis (without tegretol). I've read in the web several situation like mine and yours and I'll be happy to investigate with you (and Who wants) about this problem. Tell me something. Bye Mauri

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