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China Doll | 01:52 Wed 28th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
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Oh dear....
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I'll have you know I excelled in performing arts at school and college actually!

I'm just trying (unsuccessfully apparently) to difuse the tenstion.
I tried that a few nights back, China - and got booted off for the attempt! Now this MORNING...or yesterday morning as it was, now - there was an hilarious thread going, about the various uses for tampons. See - all girls having a right old laugh. I can't understand why people need to bitch all the time (once in a while, maybe - lol - but you know what I mean. Still, I wasn't involved in any recent unpleasantness, so I've no idea how it started - and don't think I want to!
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Best off keeping your nose clean Ice in my experience.

I still think all this is a job for the care bears though.
Grin. Night China - I've got to be up in less than 5 hours.
Question Author
Me too... g'night.

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