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20 mintues?? B0ll0cks!

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Richie1976 | 13:38 Wed 28th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
When AB sent down, it said for 20 minutes, which was I lie. I had to alleviate the boredom by playing with my testicles. How did you deal with the lose of this great online community?


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I am at work so I usually do something work related. If it happens when I'm at home I can usually find other stuff to do. Sometimes though I also play with my nuts.
LOL. What is the fascination with playing with your nuts? Is it just because you can?
Richie, my guess is you're jumping for joy when ab goes down! what an excuse eh! Mind you, from my personal experience , men never really need an excuse to play with their testicles! They spend plenty of time re-arranging things, cupping them in their hands and generally shifting them around from one place to another!

Anyway, i dfgress, i hope you and your testicles enjoyed the experience but most of all, thank you for sharing this with us! :-)
I ate my lunch, canteen cooked turkey & cranberry burger with salad. No chips, I am being good!
Is anyone else not able to get on the new AB?
I went out, did some shopping for a grand total of 10 minutes and lost my parking ticket.

I had to pay a tenner.

Damn you AB.
I went on facebook :-)
nope ws, its all down again! this is all getting a bit tedious now . I am struggling to get on any questions, have to keep closing down and re starting! what a bloomin nightmare !

I love the new look ab though despite that! :-)
Im on the new AB.

But both crashed when richie started this thread, i think it was the language!
i just checked after i read you message red and im back on now too :-)
I'm on the new version too.
I have normal (with avatars) AB.

Whlst the site was down I did some admin work for a charity I work for and ate a Muller rice.

I'm pleased you were productive with your time Richie
It didnt bother me because I had to go to work anyway :)
I'm just here so didn't know it was down. :) I find it hard to get onto the new AB but I have no problems with the old one.
Well, that's not fair, is it? All I get is the 'Under Construction' page when I try and get on it. :o(

(Hi, Jules, hun!)
It's ok WS, we can still see you and your daughter's beautiful faces! xx
LOL! Thanks, Skreech. She's my niece, though. Luckily, I can hand her back. :o)
awwww hi ws! Hope you are ok lovely! I adore that piccy!

I would have thought you could have got on by now. I just had a message from 4GS to say he was fed up and logging off! I hope they get it sorted soon!

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20 mintues?? B0ll0cks!

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