The humane ones work really well, just put something tasty inside, I found bacon really good, then check the trap regularly, I caught the little rodent in one day, and then take it a long way away and release it!
Great! you don't need to face finding a little dead thing in the morning.
Hope it helps, best wishes,
just dont release the mouse near chickens! we did it the other day and the poor little sod was chased by about 30 chickens and finally carried off by one and eaten. i was absolutely traumatised....couldnt believe it!! i didnt know chickens ate mice??!?!
Speaking of mice....... Did anyone see that one at Old Trafford during the match with Sporting Lisbon last night? The floodlights , the noise , and the camera picked up this little mouse at the edge of the pitch. He was just sat there having a wash! I could not believe it!
As for trapping the mouse. Please use a humane trap. Dont kill it if you dont have to.