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A chininchilla saga

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haysi06 | 21:49 Thu 29th Nov 2007 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
My friend John has just bought a Chinchilla and its mega cute and I WANT ONE. But we have a dog. (stupid mutt......kidding LOL) What pet would you really like to have but cant have.....sob Hxx


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A horse again, I really miss having horses, but I have neither the time, land or money anymore

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Hi Boo ((hugs))

Aww a horse would be brill but I dont have the space just now :)
I would love either a Pika or a Meerkat.
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I just realised that I spelt chinchilla wrong - oops, its the blinking cracked screen pmsl

I want a meerkat too. they are cute

Pikas are so cute.
The real Pika
Oh dear. That youtube thing went a bit wrong didn't it.
I've just checked and you can still see it. If you want to that is!
hiya wee mate x
i would like a pet giraffe but my ceiling isnt high enough :)
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Thank you Tiggerblue, I want a PIKA.

I am fickle.

In case you didnt notice LOL

Watch this one. They sound cute as well.
Question Author
Awww,that clip was adorable, thank you

Hiya steggy xx
I would have a house full of cats again but as my lung condition is irritated by cat fur and dander I can't even have one little cute cat :-(

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