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spearmint sweets

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babylove1976 | 03:28 Sun 17th Oct 2004 | Food & Drink
10 Answers
does anyone remember the spearmint flavour sweets like opal fruits/starbursts. i remember eating them when i was little and can never remember the name not can my friends :)


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Do you mean these: that you can still buy everywhere?
I'm thinking trebor softmints.
they were called pacers
They were called pacers but before that they were called Opal Mints. I think this was one of the first rebranding exercises ever?
Yes I remember Pacers.  Weren't they also striped green and white?
Opal Mints were white, and so were early Pacers. The green pinstrpes (3 per mint) were added shortly afterwards.
im thinkin softmints 2!?!? or something u get after being after the dentsits
Oh man this is gonna bug me!, there is an old fashioned sweet shop in my town centre so i'm gonna go and look tom!.  I'm sure they were in a white wrapper with red on the bits you 'un-twisted'  aaarrggh what were they called!
Should have looked at the 1st post, thats the ones I was thinking of!  drama over

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spearmint sweets

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