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christmas quiz

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teddysbears | 21:11 Sat 01st Dec 2007 | Quizzes & Puzzles
7 Answers
780 can this inn free snack be made from an aromatic resin (12) anag. (91) change these land dates from the end of the year (6,9) anag (92) those rotten pests dream of these at Christmas maybe? anag 100 oh yes, I'm Nellie if you can find me at home (6) thank youT


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78 (?) Frankincense
could 91 be advent calendars
sorry teddybears i didn't see the anagram after the question
92 could be Department Stores anag of rotten pests dream
Question Author
Lie-in King sorry abou the 780 just seems like a long quiz cheersT
100) Simnel ( cake ) Oh yeS I'M NELlie if you can find me at home.
According to Chambers SIMNEL cake can sometimes be eaten at Easter,Christmas or Mothering Sunday.
Question Author
valerieb1254 do you have no91 change these land dates from the end of the year (6, 9) anag thanks

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